Items that You Need to Buy
Giant Spell Book Level 1:
Where to buy: Second Street, White Rose Books and Art Supplies
What it does: This book teaches you how giant spells work. It gives you some simple spells to use once you get your spell stone and ring.
Where to buy: Third Street, Precious Gems Jewelry Store
What it does: The ring holds your spell stone.
Spell Stone
Where to buy: Third Street, Precious Gems Jewelry Store
What it does: The spell stone channels your magical power out of you. It stops residual magic from building up inside you, which is very dangerous.
Tish Dictionary
Where to buy: Third Street, Just Dictionaries
What it does: This book gives you the power to create your own spells.

Items that you Need to Buy
Guide to Casting Wizard Spells Book
Where to buy: Second Street, White Rose Books and Art Supplies
What it does: This book teaches you how wizard spells work. It will give you some simple spells that you can use once you get your spell stone and ring.
Where to buy: Third Street, Precious Gems Jewelry Store
What it does: The ring holds your spell stone.
Spell Stone
Where to buy: Third Street, Precious Gems Jewelry Store
What it does: The spell stone channels your magical power out of you. It stops residual magic from building up inside you, which is very dangerous.
Ancient Tongue (Ishmerish) Dictionary
Where to buy: Third Street, Just Dictionaries
What it does: This book gives you the power to create your own spells.

Items that You Need to Buy
Where to buy:
Main Street, Arcana Plants P.W.R. and Sons
Second Street, Precious Plants Flower Store
Ninth Street, Healthy Brews Magic Plants and Teas
Monster Alley, Funny Food Store
What it does: These are places to buy plants to use as ingredients when you make your potions
Knowledge About Plants Book
Where to Buy: Main Street. Guide to Common Medicinal Plants.
What it does: This book teaches you the effects of plants. You can use this knowledge to choose plants when you make your own potions.
Potion Making for Pixies Book
Where to buy: Second Street, White Rose Books and Art Supplies
What it does: This book teaches you how fairy potions work, It gives you some potion recipes to use once you get the correct ingredients.

Items that You Need to Buy
Serpa Spell Book Level 1
Where to buy: Second Street, White Rose Books and Art Supplies
What it does: This book teaches you how serpa spells work. It gives you some simple spells that you can use right away.
Gorgonic Dictionary
Where to buy: Third Street, Just Dictionaries
What it does: This book gives you the power to make your own spells.