White cloth slippers - 5 gold coins
Cloth Sandals - 5 gold coins
Short cloth boots - 10 gold coins
High cloth boots - 20 gold coins
White cotton shorts - 5 gold coins
Dyed cotton shorts (in the colour of your choice) - 10 gold coins
White Cotton pants - 10 gold coins
Dyed cotton pants (in the colour of your choice) - 15 gold coins
White Cotton shirt - 10 gold coins
Dyed cotton shirt (in the colour of your choice) - 15 gold coins
Linen shirt - 10 gold coins
Linen shirt (in the colour of your choice) - 15 gold coins
Padded shirt to go under hauberk - 20 gold coins
White cotton dress - 15 gold coins
Cotton dress (in the colour of your choice) - 20 gold coins
Cotton dress (with a print of your choice) 25 gold coins
White Hooded cotton cloak - 15 gold coins
Hooded cotton cloak (in colour of your choice) - 20 gold coins
White hooded cotton cloak with hood - 25 gold coins
Hooded cotton cloak with hood (in colour of your choice) - 30 gold coins
Rope belt – 2 gold coins
Leather belt – 5 gold coins
Cloth coin pouch with cloth string attachment – 2 gold coins
Cloth purse – 5 gold coins
Straw hat with wide brim – 3 gold coins
Cotton hat with rolled up brim – 4 gold coins
and 6 inner pockets - 30 gold pieces

Slingshot – 5 gold coins
Blow gun – 10 gold coins
Blow gun darts (set of 4) – 10 gold coins
Blow gun darts (sleeping) – 20 gold coins
Throwing stars (set of 6) – 10 gold coins
Whip – 10 gold coins
Throwing knives (set of 4) – 20 gold coins
Mace – 20 gold coins
Short bow – 30 gold coins
Short bow arrows – 15 gold coins
Long bow - 50 gold coins
Long bow arrows – 25 gold coins
Hand axe - 30 gold coins
Throwing axe - 40 gold coins
Small shield - 20 gold coins
Medium shield – 40 gold coins
Short sword – 40 gold coins
Curved short sword - 40 gold coins
Long sword – 50 gold coins
Curved long sword - 50 gold coins

Basic Chainmail Armor
Wearing chainmail gives you -1 on a damage roll.
Hauberk –shaped into a long cloak and made from thousands of interlocking metal rings - 200 gold coins
Full Plate Suit of Metal Armor
Wearing a full set of armor gives you -2 on a damage roll.
Helmet – covers head – 70 gold coins
Pauldron – covers shoulders - 70 gold coins
Rerebrace – covers upper arms - 50 gold coins
Breastplate – covers chest - 100 gold coins
Gauntlets – cover hands - 70 gold coins
Cuisses – cover thighs - 70 gold coins
Greaves – cover ankles and lower legs - 50 gold coins
Sabatons – cover feet - 50 gold coins

Dry pet food in pellet form (enough for one day) – 5 gold coins
Pet treats – bag of 20 treats – give your pet up to three treats a day – 10 gold coins
Saddle bags – 20 gold coins
Saddle – 40 gold coins
Saddle blanket – 20 gold coins
Reins and bit – 20 gold coins
Pet scarf - 5 gold coins
Pet hat - 5 gold coins
Leather booties (set of 4) - 10 gold coins
Pet bed – 10 gold coins
Pet traveling case – 20 gold coins
Rope attachments for pet traveling case so that you can strap your case onto a saddle bag – 5 gold coins
Rope and harness attachments so that you can strap your pet traveling case directly onto your mount – 5 gold coins

Burr Tree Oil – 2 gold coins
Comfrey Seeds – 30 gold coins
Dragonthorn Powder – 20 gold coins
Flashers – 30 gold coins
Foxfire – 30 gold coins
Numbroot – 10 gold coins
Rubia – 20 gold coins
Rugula – 40 gold coins
Witchthorn – 10 gold coins
Cloth bandages – 5 gold coins
Scissors – 3 gold coins
Black Ink – 1 gold coin
Plain Stationary, 5 pages – 2 gold coins
Quill – 2 gold coins
Blank diary – 3 gold coins
Guide to Common Medicinal Plants of Arcana – 10 gold coins

1 set of wooden utensils – 1 gold coin
Wooden mug – 1 gold coin
Wooden bowl - 1 gold coin
Wooden bucket – 2 gold coins
Coil of rope – 25 feet – 5 gold coins
Coil of rope – 50 feet – 10 gold coins
Pick axe = 10 gold coins
Travel bar - one bar can feed a full grown giant for one day – 1 gold coin
Loaf of Honey bread – 2 gold coins
Cooking Oil – 1 gold coin
Butter – 1 gold coin
Salt and Pepper – 1 gold coin
1 Cup of Sugar - 1 gold coin

Leather Necklace – 2 gold coins
Leather Bracelet – 2 gold coins
Hair clips - 1 gold coin
Shell Earrings - 1 gold coin
Shell Ring - 1 gold coin

Wooden staff moon shaped end - 30 GP
Wooden stick staff (whatever shape you want on the end) - 50 GP
Carving set - 30 GP
Wooden spiral staff - 40 GP
Quarterstaff - 40 GP
Orb staff - 50 GP
Crystalline staff - 60 GP
Cobra staff - 40 GP
Curved staff - 50 GP
Arcane gemstone staff - 70 GP
Winged staff [ can't fly ] - 40 GP
Eagle staff - 50 GP
Falcon staff - 40 GP
Skull staff - 40 GP
Jagged scythe staff - 70 GP

Iron Armour
iron head and neck armour = 200 gold coins
iron body armour = 200 gold coins
iron tail armour = 200 gold coins
iron wing armour = 200 gold coins
full chainmail 150 gold coins
Tearium Armour (iron mixed with dragon scales so it is strong and flexible)
tearium head and neck armour = 300 gold coins
tearium body armour = 300 gold coins
tearium tail armour = 300 gold coins
tearium wing armour = 300 gold coins
Tail Armour Upgrades
iron tail spike = 50 gold coins
iron tail blade = 50 gold coins
iron tail mace = 50 gold coins
tearium tail spike = 60 gold coins
tearium tail blade = 60 gold coins
tearium tail mace = 60 gold coins
Wing Armour Upgrades
iron wing blade - 50 gold coins
tearium wing blade - 60 gold coins
Gold Plating
gold plated armour (we can coat your existing iron armour into gold plated armour) =100 gold coins
Iron dragon size spear = 50 gold coins
Tearium dragon size spear = 100 gold coins
Human size armour set made out of dragon scales = 300 gold coins
Human size tearium sword = 70 gold coins
Fire cacti - when lit on fire it explodes and shoots spikes and fire within 1 giant length - deals 1d12 damage = 50 gold coins
5 Human shaped cookie for dragons = 20 gold coins
Claw Reinforcements
Iron claw re-enforcement = 20 gold coins
Tearium claw re-enforcement = 50 gold coins
Iron dorsal spike re-enforcement = 30 gold coins
tearium dorsal spike re-enforcement 60gp

Everything in this soup kitchen is free. Come in for a good hot meal. Don't fight or we'll kick you out.
bagels and butter
mashed potato

Wearing a full set of armor gives you -2 on a damage roll.
Elf Armour
Elf leggings - 90 gold coins
Elf chest plate - 90 gold coins
Elf helmet - 90 gold coins
Giant Armour
Giant chest plate - 90 gold coins
Giant leggings - 90 gold coins
Giant helmet - 90 gold coins
Dragon Armour
Dragon helmet - 100 gold coins
Dragon leggings - 90 gold coins
Dragon chest plate - 90 gold coins

Main Courses
Egg sandwich = 1 gold coin
Grilled cheese sandwich = 1 gold coin
Travel bar (1 day of calories) = 1 gold coin
Pizza - 1 slice = 1 gold coin
Pizza - 4 slices = 2 gold coins
banana split = 1 gold coin
apple crisp = 1 gold coin

Giant Clothing
White cotton shorts = 10 gold coins
Cotton shorts in colour of your choice = 12 gold coins
Cape in colour of your choice = 15 gold coins
Dress in colour of your choice = 15 gold coins
Leather vest = 20 gold coins
Gem studded giant leather vest = 50 gold coins
Pixie Clothing
Cotton shorts in colour of your choice = 3 gold coins
Dress in colour of your choice = 3 gold cons
Leather vest = 5 gold coins
Gem studded leather vest = 15 gold coins
Dragon Clothing
Cape in colour of your choice = 5 gold coins
Leather vest = 25 gold coins
Cape in colour of your choice = 25 gold coins
Gem studded leather vest = 60 gold coins
Human and Elf Clothing
Cape in colour of your choice = 10 gold coins

TAS WEAPONRY (Student Store)
Quiver of elvin bow arrows (6 in set) - 20 gold coins
Guitar shaped battle axe = 25 gold coins
Long spear = 25 gold coins
Twisted sword = 30 gold coins
Quiver of poison arrows (3 in set) = deals +2 damage = 40 gold coins
Chain daggers 50 gold coins
Double-sided battle axe = 50 gold coins
Elvin bow = 60 gold coins
Weapon Repairs
Repair of one weapon = 10 gold coins

You must buy the base wings/tail/horn cap first to buy a corresponding attachment
Iron wings = 100 gold coins
Titan wings +1HP = 200 gold coins
Health wings +2HP = 300 gold coins
Dark wings +3HP = 400 gold coins
Wing Attachments
Blade attachments give you +1 strength . Spikes attachment gives you +1 agility . Scythe attachment gives you +1 speed.
Iron wing blade or spikes or scythe = 50 gold coins
Titanium wing blade or spikes or scythe = 100 gold coins
Health wing blade or spikes or scythe = 150 gold coins
Dark wing blade or spikes or scythe = 200 gold coins
Iron tail cap = 50 gold coins
Titan tail cap = 100 gold coins
Health tail cap= 200 gold coins
Dark tail cap = 300 gold coins
Tail Attachments
Scorpion attachments give you +1 intelligence. Spiked attachments give your +1 wisdom
Iron tail scorpion or spiked = 50 gold coins
Titan tail scorpion or spiked = 100 gold coins
Health tail scorpion or spiked = 150 gold coins
Dark tail scorpion or spiked = 200 gold coins
Horn Cap
Iron horn cap = 100 gold coins
Titan horn cap = 200 gold coins
Health horn cap = 300 gold coins
Dark horn cap = 400 gold coins
Horn Attachments
Iron horn dual tipped or ramhorn = 50 gold coins
Titan horn dual tipped or ramhorn = 100 gold coins
Health horn dual tipped or ramhorn = 150 gold coins
Dark horn dual tipped or ramhorn= 200 gold coins
Dual tipped +1 fighting Skills = 250 gold coins
Ramhorn +1 humor = 250 gold coins
Chain daggers (2) = 50 gold coins
Long sword = 50 gold coins
Short sword = 25 gold coins
Round shield = 20 gold coins
Moon shield = 30 gold coins
Star shield = 30 gold coins
Tornado staff = 70 gold coins
Hurricane staff = 70 gold coins
Fire staff = 60 gold coins
Ice staff = 60 gold coins
Orb staff = 50 gold coins
Star staff = 50 gold coins
Diamond staff = 60 gold coins
Scythe staff = 70 gold coins
Elven bow = 75 gold coins
Arrows= 20 gold coins
Tipped arrows (set of 6) = 40 gold coins
Poison arrows (set of 4) = 40 gold coins

KURO'S BAKERY (Student Store)
Chocolate chip cookie = 1 gold coin
Double chocolate cookie = 1 gold coin
Peanut butter cookie = 1 gold coin
Chocolate muffin = 2 gold coins
Pumpkin muffin = 2 gold coins
Normal loaf = 4 gold coins
Banana loaf = 5 gold coins

It is great to buy supplies for your quest, but how are you going to carry them? Our store has the answer. Buy one of our bottomless containers and your problems are solved.
A bottomless purse = 28 gold coins
A bottomless bag 34 = gold coins
A bottomless backpack = 41 gold coins
A bottomless chest = 45 gold coins
A bottomless bottle =32 gold coins
The everything bundle - (purse, bag, backpack, chest, and bottle) = 153 gold coins

Embroidered Garments
Pants with embroidery - 25 gold coins
Shorts with embroidery - 18 gold coins
Long skirt with embroidery - 30 gold coins
Short skirt with embroidery - 16 gold coins
Shirt with embroidery - 25 gold coins
Dress with embroidery - 45 gold coins
Cape with embroidery - 70 gold coins
Cloak with embroidery 80 - gold coins
Plain Garments
Plain pants - 18 gold coins
Plain shorts - 15 gold coins
Plain long skirt - 20 gold coins
Plain short skirt - 12 gold coins
Plain shirt - 17 gold coins
Plain cloak - 60 gold coins
Instant Vegetable Potions
Instructions: pour the potion on the ground and it will grow instantly
Carrot potions - grows 5 carrots - 15 gold coins
Radish potions - grows 5 radishes - 15 gold coins
Potato potions - grows 5 potatoes - 15 gold coins
Small apple tree potion - grows 1 tree - 15 gold coins
Garden mix potion (all of the above) - 50 gold coins

We make art supplies for elves, pixies, giants, knights and wizards.
Fountain pens = 10 gold coins
Blank paper = 10 gold coins
Graph paper = 10 gold coins
Leather drawing book = 20 gold coins
36 pack of rainbow paints = 30 gold coins
60 mandy nuts - use them for owl tips when you use the owl post system = 45 gold coins