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Hooded cloak that is enchanted to change into a parachute.    Good for one use. - 30 gold coins


Vest that is enchanted to change into a parachute.    Good for one use. - 30 gold coins


Short leather boots that are enchanted to sprout wings that allow you to fly up to 20 feet high for 10 minutes.  Good for one use. - 30 gold coins


Hat that is enchanted to create a magic bubble around your head that allows you to breathe under water for 15 minutes.  If a living thing, such as a fish, comes within 10 feet of you, the bubble may break while you are under water.  Good for one use. - 30 gold coins


Hat that is enchanted to allow you to pull up to 12 apples out of it whenever you want.  Good for 12 uses. -35 gold coins








Enchanted Long bow arrow – this arrow has a limited ability to tell the future – unlimited use – 100 gold coins


Enchanted long sword – this sword has a limited ability to tell the future – unlimited use – 100 gold coins


Shield - this shield has a limited ability to tell the future – unlimited use – 100 gold coins



Enchanted shovel – shovel by itself for 20 minutes – good for one use - 30 gold coins


Enchanted hammer and nails – hammers in nails by itself for 20 minutes – good for one use - 30 gold coins


Enchanted Quill - this quill has the power to allow you to write in any language for 20 minutes - good for one use - 30 gold coins




Collar that is enchanted to change into a parachute.    Good for one use. – 30 gold coins


Booties that are enchanted to allow your pet to fly up to 20 feet high for 10 minutes.  Good for one use. – 30 gold coins


Hat that is enchanted to create a magic bubble around your pet’s head that allows him/her to breathe under water for 15 minutes.  If a living thing, such as a fish, comes within 10 feet of you, the bubble may break while your pet is under water.  Good for one use. – 30 gold coins




Divinia – has restorative powers, silver coloured powder that you can eat on its own or brew into a tea – if you have 5 or less health points, roll a D6 – add the outcome to your health points – good for one use = 10 gold coins



Genermon – rare orange flower – when the petals are crushed and brewed into a tea, genermon can keep you alert and awake for 3 days = 10 gold coins



Artist's Statement

Fish Broach - the wearer of this broach, can swim without getting wet.  Good for 3 turns - 40 gold coins


Dog Broach - the wearer of this broach is loyal to you for 2 turns.  Good for one use - 40 gold coins


Cat Broach - the wearer of this broach has twice as much as their usual dexterity.  Good for 3 turns - 40 gold coins


Elephant Broach - the wearer of this broach has increased hearing ability - Good for 3 turns - 40 gold coins




Non-Magical Items

Wizard hat with gold star design- 10 gold coins

Wizard hat with purple star design - 10 gold coins

Gold wand - 30 gold coins

Purple wand -  25 gold coins


Magical Items

Invisibility cloak - good for three uses - 150 gold coins

Flight Cape - Good for 3 uses, when feet touch the ground the flight ends - 150 gold coins.

Teleporting rock (Good for 1 use, teleports anywhere you have already been - 150 gold coins


Non-Magical Weapons

Long bow - 40 gold coins

10 Long bow arrows - 20 gold coins

Cross bow - 50 gold coins

10 Cross bow bolts - 50 gold coins


Magical Arrows

5 Poison arrows +2 damage to target: 70 gold coins

5 Fire arrows - start fires - 70 gold coins

5 Ice Arrows (5 arrows, freeze enemy for an hour): 50 gold coins

5 Electric Arrows +2 damage to target - 70 gold coins


Magical Weapons

Long glowing sabre - blue or green light - can cut through anything but dark magic - good for 4 uses - 150 gold coins

Magnetic shield  - attracts weapons and precious metals - good for 3 uses -  200 gold coins

Forcefield gem - When placed on the ground it will provide and impenetrable shield in the shape of a giant sized circle for 10 hours, allowing a safe night sleep! -  200 gold coins

Night vision goggles - unlimited use - 200 gold coins




  1. Pet crocodile hatchling =  10 gold coins

  2. Adult pet crocodile = 40 gold coins

  3. Hunting crocodile = 50 gold coins

  4. Crocodile bodyguard 8HP - defends you = 60 gold coins

  5. Fighting Crocodile  10HP = 80 gold coins

  6. ​

  7. Crocodile Food

  8. Hippo meat = 25 gold coins

  9. Shark meat = 35 gold coins

  10. Sack of dead fish = 25 gold coins


  12. Accessories

  13. Crocodile saddle = 25 gold coins

  14. Crocodile bed of your choice = 35 gold coins

  15. Crocodile food dish = 10 gold coins

  16. Crocodile water dish = 10 gold coins

  17. ​

  18. Crocodile Toys 

  19. Crocodile Chew toy = 5 gold coins

  20. Dead fish sink toy = 5 gold coins

  21. Crocodile frisbee = 5 gold coins

  22. Crocodile dive toys set of 6 $10


CLAWDICURES  (Student Store)

Both foreclaws black -12 gold coins

Both foreclaws any colour - 20 gold coins

One foreclaw black -10 gold coins

One foreclaw any colour -18 gold coins

Hindclaws and foreclaws black - 40 gold coins

Hindclaws and foreclaws any colour - 60 gold coins

One hindclaw and foreclaw black - 20 gold coins

One hindclaw and foreclaw any colour - 30 gold coins



Hammer - returns to your hand once thrown and only the owner can use it - deals 1d12 damage = 100 gold coins 

Sword - can talk and fight on its own, but after it is used the owner loses 1hp - deals 1d8 damage = 100 gold coins 

Spear = shoots a hot ray of light and when thrown it never misses its target - can be used twice per day = 100 gold coins 




 Horse - can spy on people and report back to you - 80 gold coins 

Goat -you can look through the goats eyes and see what it sees = 80 gold coins 

Wolf - trained to attack -  100 gold coins

Wolverine -trained to follow any command relating to digging or retrieving = 100 gold coins



Shape-shifting pills - there are 3 of them-  they allow you to turn into any animal you want and you can shift into another animal on the same turn - effect of one pill lasts for one turn = 150 gold coins   


SWIFT' SUPER STUFF  (Student Store)

Fire Stick – If you light it on fire, it will burn for 1 turn unless you say, “Extinguish.” – 20 gold coins

Muscle Shirt - doubles your strength for one day – One size fits all – 40 gold coins

X-ray glasses – see through anything less than three meters long – 50 gold coins

Compass - gives you the best direction to go, no matter the situation - good for 2 uses - 55 gold coins

Enchanted Feather – if you place it on an item, it makes that item feather light for one day – 65 gold coins

Jumping Boots – Roll 1d20, your agility plus your roll is how high or far you jump – 80 gold coins

Hover Boots – Hover as high as 20 giant lengths in the air - good for 5 uses or 5 hours – 100 gold coins

Magic Map – shows a map of your location, including tiny specs on it that are enemies - good for two uses – 100 gold coins

Magic Stone – When you throw it in the air, it turns into a tiger  for one turn – 110 gold coins

Amazing spear – when you throw it, it goes twice as far as your average throw. It also never misses - good for 5 uses – 120 gold coins




Magical Weapons

All magical weapons can be used only once a day.


Fire sword - lights anything it touches on fire instantly - 75 gold coins

Ice sword - freezes anything it touches for 1 hour = 75 gold coins

Water sword - can shoot a blast of water from its tip on your command. Can go up to 30 giant lengths - 75 gold coins

Lightning sword - can electrocute anything it touches = 75 gold coins

Enchanted short bow - this bow never misses = 75 gold coins

Exploding short bow arrows - these arrows explode on impact, 4 arrows = 75 gold coins

Enchanted long bow - this bow never misses = 75 gold coins

Exploding long bow arrows - these arrows explode on impact = 75 gold coins

Bone spear - if you stick the tip of the spear into the ground three skeletons will come out of the ground and you will command them - effect lasts for one turn - good for three uses = 150 gold coins

Magic dagger - if you drop this dagger it will magically reappear in its sheath = 100 gold coins


Non Magical Items

Dagger = 10 gold coins

Short bow arrows - includes four arrows = 15 gold coins

Rope - 50 feet = 20 gold coins

Rope - 25 feet = 20 gold coins

Spear = 20 gold coins

Long bow arrows - includes four arrows = 20 gold coins

Short sword = 25 gold coins

Short bow = 30 gold coins

Long sword = 30 gold coins

Long bow = 35 gold coins

Rope with a big hook on the end - can be used as a grappling hook = 50 gold coins


Magical Items

Set of magic chains - they are two short chains one person sticks one into their ear and the other one sticks the other into their ear and they can communicate via the chains - works up to 1 giant mile = 100 gold coins

Magic rope - cant be burned or cut = 100 gold coins

Sticky rope - it is a rope with a very sticky end if you throw it onto a wall you can climb up it can support up to half a giant in weight = 125 gold coins


Magic Armour

Lovely helmet - when your opponent looks at this helmet they will fall madly in love with you for one turn= 100 gold coins

Rocket boots - these boots will shoot you 10 giant lengths into the air on command = 75 gold coins

Springy boots these boots are like a portable trampoline = 100 gold coins

Spiky boots - these boots have spikes that can come out of the bottom on your command = 100 gold coins

Light chest plate - this chest plate is very strong but light like a feather = 175 gold coins

Speedy leggings - these leggings give you +3 for speed = 300 gold coins



Non-Magical Armour

Silver leggings = 50 gold coins

Silver boots = 50 gold coins

Silver helmet = 50 gold coins

Silver chest plate 75 gold coins

Full silver armor set = 150 gold coins


Training Tools

Boxing gloves - 10 gold coins

Punching bag - 15 gold coins



5 long range grenades - pull tab and throw - if your aim is good, it damages all those within 50 feet  - 1D8 damage- 45 gold coins

20 short rang grenades - if your aim is good, it damages all those within 35 feet  - 1D12 damage - 100 gold coins


Anger Management Stuffies 

These stuffies are for squeezing when your mad. Prices vary depending on your size.

Pixie - 25 gold coins

Knight, elf, wizard - 50 gold coins

Giant - 100 gold coins

Dragon - 150 gold coins


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Any of the locks can be charmed to any size with no extra cost. The locks for your home are very heavy duty to prevent break ins.


Brass key - 3 gold coins

Silver key - 5 gold coins

Gold key- 10 gold coins


Pad Locks

Brass lock - 8 gold coins

Silver lock- 10 gold coins

Gold lock- 12 gold coins


Door Locks

Brass lock - (To install on your home.) - 8 gold coins

Silver lock (To install on your home.) - 10 gold coins

Gold lock (To install on your home.) - 12 gold coins


Combo Lock

Brass lock - 8 gold coins

Silver lock - 10 gold coins

Gold loc k- 12 gold coins




Do you want some magical utensils or armour for Yourself? Then you have come to the right place.


The Super Armour Aisle

This armour has a 9 minute cooldown.

Super Emerald Armour - add +1 point to all stats when you use It = 125 Gold Coins

Super Ruby Armour - add +1 healing points when you take damage (cooldown= every meeting) = 120 Gold Coins

Super Amethyst Armour - add 2x gold coins on 4d20 rolls when you activate It = 135 Gold Coins

Super Duper Emerald Armour - add +2 points to all stats when you use It = 200 Gold Coins

Super Duper Ruby Armour - add +2 healing points when you take damage (cooldown= every meeting) = 200 Gold Coins

Super Duper Amethyst Armour - add 4x gold coins on 5d20 rolls when you activate It = 250 Gold Coins


No Cooldown Armour Aisle

All of this Armor Has No Cooldowns!

Super Crazy Emerald Armour - add +1 points to all stats when you use It = 170 Gold Coins

Super Crazy Ruby Armour - add +1 healing points when you take damage = 180 Gold Coins

Super Amethyst Crazy Armour - add 2x Gold Coins on 5d20 rolls when you activate It = 240 Gold Coins

Super Duper Crazy Emerald Armour - add +2 points to all stats when you use It = 310 Gold Coins

Super Duper Crazy Ruby Armour - add +2 healing points when you take damage = 325 Gold Coins


Utensils Aisle

Magic Spoon, Fork and Knife Set - will give you free food every time you want to eat (good for one quest) = 75 gold coins



Sugar bomb - when this hits a creature they will have a sugar crash for an hour and lose 1 hp - 40 gold coins

Bubble bomb - when this hits, creatures become disoriented for an hour which means they lose 3 perception - 40 gold coins

Fire bomb - anything within a radius of 15 feet lights on fire - creatures in that radius will take 1d6 damage - 40 gold coins

Foam bomb - when a creature is hit with it, anything they touch they become stuck to like glue, for 1 hour- 40 gold coins

Explosive arrows (set of 10) - has an explosive radius of 15 feet. Any creature in that area takes 1d8 damage. - 50 gold coins

Explosive armour - the wearer of this armour does not sustain injuries from explosives - 250 gold coins



Saddles and other Mount Stuff

Simple horse/donkey bridle = 30 gold coins

Simple saddle bags (2 bags) = 40 gold coins

Simple horse/donkey saddle = 50 gold coins

Magic bridle, you can lead anything with this bridle no matter how strong (good for 1 turn) = 130 gold coins

Magic saddle bags (2 bags), these saddle bags are bottomless =140 gold coins

Magic saddle, grows and shrinks to fit anything that you put it on = 150 gold coins


Leather Clothing and Accessories

Cowboy boots, got good grip and great for riding (they also look awesome) = 30 gold coins

Leather rope 100ft - super strong and stretchy = 40 gold coins

Magic wallet, only you can take money from this wallet without permission = 80 gold coins

Magic cowboy boots - the wearer can jump 2 giant lengths high and run 3x faster than normal (1 use per day) = 150 gold coins

Magic sheath - fits any sword dagger or knife, when a rusty blade is put it in the sheath, the rust will be gone in a day =150 gold coins

Magic leather armor -  fits anyone and subtracts 2 from damage = 250 gold coins

Magic leather cloak - put on someone as big as giant or smaller and say, "Trap." The target rolls 1d20.  If the roll is unsuccessful, they are frozen in place for 1 turn =  260 gold coins

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