White leather slippers – 7 gold coins
Leather Sandals –7 gold coins
Short Leather boots – 15 gold coins
High Leather boots – 25 gold coins
White wool shorts – 8 gold coins
Dyed wool shorts (in the colour of your choice) – 12 gold coins
White wool pants - 15 gold coins
Dyed wool pants (in the colour of your choice) - 18 gold coins
White wool shirt - 12 gold coins
Dyed wool shirt (in the colour of your choice) - 15 gold coins
Silk shirt – 18 gold coins
Silk shirt (in the colour of your choice) – 20 gold coins
White wool vest - 12 gold coins
Dyed wool vest (in the colour of your choice) - 15 gold coins
Silk vest – 18 gold coins
Silk vest (in the colour of your choice) – 20 gold coins
White wool dress – 15 gold coins
Wool dress (in the colour of your choice) – 18 gold coins
Wool dress (with a print of your choice) – 20 gold coins
White Hooded wool cloak – 20 gold coins
Hooded wool cloak (in colour of your choice) – 25 gold coins
White hooded wool cloak with hood
Hooded wool cloak with hood (in the colour of your choice) 28 gold coins
Hooded wool cloak with hood and 6 inner pockets (in the colour of your choice) – 30 gold coins
Braided leather belt – 7 gold coins
Utility belt with two pouches – 5 gold coins
Utility belt with four pouches – 8 gold coins
Utility belt with six pouches - – 12 gold coins
Leather coin pouch with leather string attachment – 5 gold coins
Leather purse – 8 gold coins
Leather hat – 5 gold coins
Leather hat with two pockets sewn into the lining – 8 gold coins
Leather hat with four pockets sewn into the lining – 10 gold coins
Leather hat with six pockets sewn into the lining – 12 gold coins

Crossbow – 50 gold coins
Crossbow bolts – 15 gold coins
Great axe = 20 gold coins
Double headed axe – 30 gold coins
Large shield – 45 gold coins

Chainmail armor made for any animal that weighs under 100 pounds – 75 gold coins
Chainmail armor made for any animal that weighs between 100-300 pounds – 150 gold coins
Chainmail armor made for any animal that weighs over 300 pounds – 250 gold coins
Plate armor made for any animal that weighs under 100 pounds – 150 gold coins
Plate armor made for any animal that weighs between 100-300 pounds – 250 gold coins
Plate armor made for any pet that weighs over 300 pounds – 350 gold coins

Worm (1 HP) - 3 gold coins
Mouse (2 HP) – 10 gold coins
Rat (2 HP) – 10 gold coins
Guinea Pig (2 HP) = 10 gold coins
Chicken (2 HP) – 10 gold coins
Flooper (1 HP) (a bird with a jellyfish type body and sparrow wings. It’s body fills with air like a parachute so it can float down slowly) – 10 gold coins
Goose (3 HP) – 15 gold coins
Squirrel (3 HP) – 15 gold coins
Rabbit (3 HP) – 15 gold coins
Snake (3 HP) – 15 gold coins
Pufferpop (3 HP) (hind quarters is a cloud and upper body is a rabbit) – 20 gold coins
Clurtle (3 HP) – (a turtle with the tail and ears of a cat) – 20 gold coins
Dodo bird (3 hp) – 20 gold coins
Snabbits (4 HP) - (front half is a snake and back half is a rabbit) – 25 gold coins
Pig (4 HP) – 25 gold coins
Cat (3 HP) – 25 gold coins
Fox (3 HP) - 25 gold coins
Dog (4 HP) – 25 gold coins
Deer (4 HP) – 30 gold coins
Lynx (7 HP) – 50 gold coins
Smider Spider (5 HP)– (it releases a bad smell that knocks out anyone within 2 feet unconscious for 1 hour) every time you wan to use the spider in a battle, you need to roll to see if it knocks out you or your opponent – 50 gold coins

All of our pets are miniatures that are perfectly sized for pixies. They make excellent pixie companions because they can all fly.
Flying mouse (2 hp) - 10 gold coins
Flying fish (2 hp) - 10 gold coins
Flying chinchilla (2 hp) - 10 gold coins
Flying Iguana (2 hp) - 10 gold coins
Flying rabbit (2 hp) - 10 gold coins
Flying garter snake (2 hp) - 10 gold coins
Flying cat (3 hp) - 15 gold coins
Flying penguin (3 hp) - 15 gold coins
Flying dog (4 hp) - 20 gold coins
Flying beaver (4 hp) - 20 gold coins
Flying llama (4 hp) - 20 gold coins
Flying wolf (5 hp) - 25 gold coins
Flying donkey (5 hp) - 25 gold coins
Flying horse (5 hp)- 25 gold coins
Flying bear (6 hp)- 30 gold coins
\\\Flying elephant (8 hp) - 50 gold coins

Edir – edir is harmless on its own, but when combined with numbroot and momo juice it creates a paralysis potion. If drunk, the potion will completely paralyze the drinker for 1 hour. If the potions touches the skin, it will paralyzed that body part for 1 hour. - 30 gold coins
Harcinia Powder – bright yellow powder that, when mixed with burr tree oil, can slow the flow of blood when applied to a wound. If someone smells harsina powder, in can induce a sneezing fit. - 10 gold coins
Mandia – can mask the signs of illness by making an ill person feel well for a few hours. To use, mix a pinch into any consumable liquid and drink. Side effect: can be addictive. – 30 gold coins
Mega Flasher – these little balls, made from flasher bird droppings and dragonthorn powder, explode upon impact. They make a loud bang, cover an area of five feet square in a black cloud, and make everyone within five feet (except elves) feel confused. Effects last 5 minutes. – 20 gold coins

Hail of Apples - when you throw the potion on the ground, you can choose a position within 2 giant lengths of you where 30 apples will fall from the sky - 25 gold coins
Happy Potion - when you drink it, it makes you very happy for 10 minutes - 25 gold coins
Yes Potion - when you drink it you must say yes to the next thing that someone asks you - 20 gold coins
Protection Potion - can deflect 1 hit at a time of your choosing - 300 gold coins
Exploding Stuff
Big Exploding Potion - when thrown, it explodes when it hits the ground). Deals 1d6 damage to anyone within 2 giant lengths - 30 gold coins
Exploding Snowglobe - when shaken, it explodes. Deals 1d4 damage to anyone with 1 giant length
Green Dragon Shape - 10 gold coins
Sunburst - 10 gold coins
Point to North - 20 gold coins
Exploding Toy - there is a little tab that, after a count of 10, explodes when pulled - 20 gold coins
Candle whose light turns into fireworks - 15 gold coins

How to Make Potions Using Common Arcana Plants Book – 20 gold coins
Giant Spell Book, Level 1 - 20 gold coins
Guide to Casting Wizard Spells - 20 gold coins
Guide to Casting Serpa Spells - 20 gold coins
Potion Making for Pixies = 20 gold coins
Paint brush – 1 gold coin
Canvas – 2 gold coins
Individual bottle of paint (colour of your choice) – 2 gold coins
Paint set (with 12 colours) – 10 gold coins
Scroll paper – 1 gold coin
Coloured stationary – 1 gold coin
Colour ink (red, green, or blue) – 1 gold coin

Water witching stick – can help you to find water – 20 gold coins
Bed – enchanted so that it shrinks to the size of a bar of soap when not in use. – magic wears off after three months – 30 gold coins
Magic compass – tells you which way you should go – good for one use. – 30 gold coins
Magic Water Skin – stays full for one day, no matter how much you drink, the magic is gone if a person who it not the owner tries to drink from it. – 40 gold coins
Lollipop – 1 gold coin
Birthday cake – 4 gold coins
Trail mix – 3 gold coins

Silver necklace – 10 gold coins
Gold necklace – 15 gold coins
Silver hair clips – 5 gold coins
Gold hair clips – 8 gold coins
Silver earrings – 8 gold coins
Gold earrings – 10 gold coins
Silver ring – 15 gold coins
Gold ring – 20 gold coins
Rope pet leash – 2 gold coins
Leather pet leash – 4 gold coins
Shell studded pet leash – 5 gold coins
Silver studded pet leash – 8 gold coins
Gold studded pet leash – 10 gold coins
Iron pet name tag – 1 gold coins
Silver pet name tag – 2 gold coins
Gold pet name tag – 3 gold coins
Leather pet collar – 2 gold coins
Silver studded leather collar – 4 gold coins
Gold studded leather collar – 6 gold coins

Burr tree sapling - 5 gold coins
Burr tree oil - 10 gold coins
Firefox Plant - 2 gold coins
Cut bunch of Firefox flowers in vase - 4 gold coins
Harcinia Plant - 2 gold coins
Cut bunch of harcinia flowers in vase - 4 gold coins
Numbroot Plant - 2 gold coins
Poisonwood bark - 2 gold coins
Poisonwood sapling - 4 gold coins
Trickle plant - 2 gold coins
Cut bunch of trickle flowers in vase - 4 gold coins
Yaryar plant - 2 gold coins
Cut bunch of yaryar flowers in vase 4 gold coins

WORM GEAR (Student Store)
Buy a pet worm from Furry Friends Pet Store and then come to Worm Gear to get you worm looking stylish and battle-ready.
worm long bow - 8 gold coins
worm sword - 10 gold coins
worm battle axe - 10 gold coins
worm shirt - 2 gold coins
worm cloak - 5 gold coins
worm top hat - 5 gold coins
worm sock and toque - 10 gold coins
worm slipper and worm uni-suit - 15 gold coins
worm staff - 5 gold coins
worm trident - 10 gold coins
worm hammock - 5 gold coins
worm healing potion - 8 gold coins
worm apple house - 10 gold coins

Deep fried carrot slices - 10 gold coins
Burger a goat meat patty on a thin layer of cheese and lettuce - 20 gold coins
Sugar potion - gives you 2+ speed points for 1 turn - 30 gold coins

Torches and Candles
Torch - burns for 1 hour, 3 giant lengths radius of light = 2 gold coins
Lantern - same radius and time as torch, but harder to put out - 5 gold coins
6 torches - we give you a better deal because you bought in bulk = 10 gold coins
10 candles - 1 giant length of light, burn for 1 hour - 15 gold coins
Jug of oil - can spread over a 1 square giant length - flammable - 10 gold coins
Backpack for humans and elves = 3 ft3 of stuff, can also strap stuff on sides = 5 gold coins
Backpack for giants -10 ft3 of stuff, can strap stuff on sides = 10 gold coins
Backpack for pixies = 1 ft3 of stuff, can strap stuff on sides = 3 gold coins
Pixie bedroll = 1 gold coin
Human/elf bedroll = 2 gold coins
Giant bedroll = 5 gold coins
Dragon bedroll = 10 gold coins
Studded Armour
This armour is great because it lets you add your agility (up to +2) to your 1d20 roll to help you avoid being hit when in combat
Studded leather for pixies = 10 gp
Studded Leather for humans = 25 gold coins
Studded leather for giants = 40 gold coins
Studded leather for dragons = 50 gold coins
Pixie axe = 5 gold coins
Warhammer = 10 gold coins
Giant great-axe = 25 gold coins
Wing blades for pixies - 25 gold coins
Wing blades for dragons - 50 gold coins
net for bugs = 1 gold coins
net for fish = 2 gold coins
net for big animals and people = 10 gold coins
Meer mug = 5 gold coins
Meer jug = 12 gold coins
Meer barrell = 30 gold coins
Spell catching stone = no magic powers, but it works like a mirror to reflect a spell so that it rebounds and hits the creature who cast it - you must roll 1d20 and get 6 or higher for it to work - 1 use = 100 gold coins

All effects of eating our food last 30 minutes and satisfy your hunger
Candy corn - gives +1 Wisdom = 5 gold coins
Cake - gives +1 humour = 6 gold coins
Cupcake - gives +1 persuasion = 7 gold coins
Pizza - gives +1 intelligence = 9 gold coins
Cake - gives +1 humour = 6 gold coins
Chocolate sword - gives +1 fighting skills = 10 gold coins
Chocolate bow - gives +1 luck = 10 gold coins
Milk shake - gives +2 Luck = 10 gold coins
Hot chocolate - gives + 2 perception = 10 gold coins

Specialty Shields
Pizza shield - say, "Pizza" and it turns that you can eat - once you eat it, you have to buy a new one = 15 gold coins
Cotton Candy Shield - it shoots cotton candy out = 50 gold coins
Compliment shield - say, "I'm feeling down," and the shield will give you compliments = 50 gold coins
Battle cry shield - shouts out battle cries when you attack - 50 gold coins
Snake Venom Shield - shoots snake venom - +1 damage = 55 gold coins
Spell rebounder shield = it makes a spell rebound on the person attacking you - good for 3 uses = 100 gold coins

Buy tools so you can have a good time in the wilderness. All knives come with sheaths.
50 foot length of rope = 10 gold coins
60 foot length of rope = 15 gold coins
Fishing knife = 15 gold coins
Folding knife = 20 gold coins
Small hunting knife = 20 gold coins
Large hunting knife = 25 gold coins
Other Items
Multitool = 20 gold coins
Large hatchet = 25 gold coins
Small pickaxe = 25 gold coins
Large backpack = 35 gold coins

The animals in this store have connecting DNA from two animals. Our store connects adventurer friends with animal friends.
Problem solving friends give you +1 intelligence, you can use their power once per day
Fighting companions give you +1 fighting skills, you can use their power once per day
Speedy: cat combined with squirrel - 18 gp
Cafo: cat combined wih fox - problem solving friend - 25 gp
Camo: cat combined with mouse - problem solving friend - 25 gold coins
Achase: cat combined with dog - fighting companion - 25 gp
Speedy: cat combined with squirrel - 18 gp
Modo: mouse combined with dog - problem solving friend - 18 gp
Mox: mouse combined with fox - problem solving friend - 20 gp
Pigfly: flying wolf combined with pig - problem solving friend - 25 gp
Foxfly: flying wolf combined with fox - problem solving friend - 35 gp
Horsefly: flying wolf combined with horse - fighting companion - 55 gp
Bearfly: flying wolf combined with bear - fighting companion - 60 gp
Wolferine: wolverine combined with fiying wolf - fighting companion- 100 gp
Fig: fox combined with pig - problem solving friend - 30 gp
Dox: fox combined with dog - problem solving friend - 30 gp
Canterfox: fox combined with horse - fighting companion - 50 gp
Forse: fox combined with horse - fighting companion - 55 gold coins
Squabbit: squirrel combined with rabbit - problem solving friend - 25 gold coins
Bunnypup: rabbit combined with dog - problem solving friend - 35 gp
Bunnyfly: rabbit combined with flying wolf - problem solving friend - 30 gp
Rabbitine: rabbit combined with wolverine - problem solving friend - 55 gp
Borse: bear combined with horse - fighting companion - 65 gp
Bearverine: bear combined with wolverine - fighting companion - 150 gp
Pigdog: pig combined with dog - problem solving friend - 30 gp
Dogfly: dog combined with flying wolf - problem solving friend - 75 gp

Alert hen (+3 perception, 2 hp) - 15 gold coins
Flock protecting rooster (+2 fighting skills, 3 hp) - 15 gold coins
Chicken Armour
Chicken armour - gives +1 protection on a damage roll - 55 gold coins
Chicken armour with spikes - (need normal chicken armour to get) - gives +2 protection on a damage roll- 65 gold coins

Are you battle worthy? Ready for adventure? Then this shop is for YOU.
Armour can be any size for any shaped creature.
Metal wing armour - 25 gold coins
Metal arm armour - 25 gold coins
Metal leg armour 25 gold coins
Gold plated wing armour - 30 gold coins
Gold plated arm armour - 30 gold coins
Gold plated leg armour - 30 gold coins
Hoof armour (can be metal or gold plated) 15 gold coins
Full set armour (can be metal or gold plated) 50 gold coins
Magical Armour
Pet armour - this armour allows you to create a tamed pet - once used this armor is normal again - 50 gold coins
Fire armor - when you say, "Fire up," it makes a fire wall (1 giant length x 1 giant length) - after 3 uses then becomes normal - 80 gold coins

Snakes are great pets for all creatures.
Purple cobra snake (5 hp) = 27 gold coins
Blue python snake (5 hp) = 27 gold coins
Garter snake (2 hp)= 26 gold coins
Snake Food
Mouse =15 gold coins
Green been plants = 20 gold coins
Tomato plants = 21 gold coins
Potato plants = 22 gold coins

Dragon dagger - 35 gold coins
Throwing Knife - 2 pack of dragon-sized throwing knives - 60 gold coins
Bundle barrel - includes 3 cloth torches, 3 Ready-to-Cook turkeys, and 1 square of fabric with a can of rainbow paint you can choose which colour to paint the fabric - can be stored in Dragon Wagon - 450 gold coins
Dragon wagon - fits up to 4 bundle barrels or 1 dragon or 2 medium sized pets - 1500 gold coins
Super Dragon wagon - fits up to 4 bundle barrels or 1 dragon or 2 medium sized pets and comes with 2 horses - 2000 gold coins