Georgina's Potions Recipe Book

Section 1: How to Mix Potions
The secret to mixing potions is simple, you to add the right ingredients in the correct amounts and when you mix them, you need to concentrate on what you want to potion to do.
Section 2. Let's Build a Singing Creature Potion
1. fill a large pot with water
2. put six petals of jasmine into the pot
3. put six petals of singing flower into the pot
4. mix until dissolved while imagining a person/creature singing (the potion will be even stronger if you can imagine the actual person/creature who will be using this potion)
5. add in 10 specks of pixie dust
6. activate the potion by saying, "Sing song sunga!"
7. The person/creature who drinks the potion will sing for 10 minutes
Section 3: Let's Build a Fight Free Potion
1. lay all pieces of armour out in front of you
2. put six carnation petals on each piece of armour
3. sprinkle 10 specks of pixie dust on each piece of armour
4. lay on top of your armor for 1 hour (take a nap if you can because naps are great)
5. when the hour is up, you can get off your armour because it isready
6. to activate armor Say, "wicity wacity ticady tacady flipady flopady floo!"
7. The effects of this potion last for 3 minutes. During those 3 minutes, you can attack an opponent but they can't attack back