Daisy the Dider

One time a long time ago I was making a pixie potion. I was hoping I could use it to fix the crack in my cave wall. I put in some pixie powder then I put in a daisy. I don’t know why I put in a daisy, I just tried so many other things. I thought, “Why not?” But what I didn’t know was that pixie powder and daisies don’t go well together.
When I put the daisy in and chanted some words about fixing my cave wall, I was horrified at what happened. A cloud of fog appeared. When it cleared, I saw an eight – eyed eight-legged Daisy headed monster.
It said in a deep raspy voice, “ My name is Daisy.”
That’s when I knew I shouldn’t have mixed pixie powder and daisies. He was slimy - so slimy he got slime all over my floors. I was mopping it up for weeks.
I said to him, “ You smell like rotten eggs.”
Then he Cursed me. In his deep raspy voice he said,” You will never smell another flower again. Every flower you touch will dissolve in ashes except for daisies because I like daisies.”
Then he bit me in the leg I still have the scar to this day. Now any daisy I see, I kill on site. So that’s why you don’t mix pixie powder and daisies.
By Pip