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You Won!

Hunt Completed.

You Won!

You have earned the right to buy a piece of land in the Realm of Tor. (Don't tell Tor I'm selling them though). You can have a piece of property on an island in the south of Tor's realm. Each lot costs 200 gold coins. Pay me through "Pay the Student Merchants" and call me "Joe Real Person."

You might notice that some of the lots seem to be on water. Don't let this discourage you from buying one. It will be land someday (maybe). A water lot is also a great spot to park your boat or make a houseboat.

If you have any questions, don't ask them. Just buy the land and start living the dream.

There is a small chance that if you settle here, you may be attacked. If you want some insurance, you can pay me 50 extra gold coins and I might help you if I feel like it and if you aren't in too much danger. To see if you get attacked, roll 1d20 + luck. If you bought my insurance, roll any dice you want and if the outcome is uneven, you can add +2 to your roll. You need a total of 10 or higher to escape an attack. If you get attacked, you need to leave your land (but don't worry because you can rebuy it).

Lots that are already SOLD
Pip = A01
Rosemary - A05
Fin – B02
Fred - B03
Voidwalker - C01
Thyungar – C02
Galvin - C03
Mist - C12
Luke - A4
Bonecrusher - B9, B10
Bob - B12

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