(also known as Darkstalker's Street)

Cotton Clothing
Shirt = 5 gold coins
Pants = 5 gold coins
Socks = 5 gold coins
Gloves = 5 gold coins
Touques = 5 gold coins
Scarfs = 5 gold coins
Jackets = 10 gold coins
Full set = 35 gold coins
Leather Clothing
Shirt = 10 gold coins
Pants = 10 gold coins
Socks = 10 gold coins
Gloves = 10 gold coins
Touques = 10 gold coins
Scarfs = 10 gold coins
Jackets = 15 gold coins
Full set = 70 gold coins
Boar Skin
Shirt 14 = gold coins
Pants = 14 gold coins
Socks = 14 gold coins
Gloves = 14 gold coins
Touques = 14 gold coins
Scarfs = 14 gold coins
Jackets = 19 gold coins
Full Set = 85 gold coins
Dragon Scales (bought legally from dragons)
Shirt = 15 gold coins
Pants = 15 gold coins
Socks = 15 gold coins
Gloves = 15 gold coins
Touques = 15 gold coins
Scarfs = 15 gold coins
Jackets = 20 gold coins
Full Set = 100 gold coins

In this shop, you can buy a fuse that will allow you to turn into an animal for 3 turns.h
Animal Fuses
Spider = 50 gold coins
Mouse = 50 gold coins
Rabbit = 50 gold coins
Fox = 100 gold coins
Wolf = 100 gold coins
Horse = 150 gold coins
Griffin = 200 gold coins
Unicorn = 200 gold coins
Pegasus = 200 gold coins
Alicorn = 300 gold coins
Berhinian Boar = 300 gold coins

Earrings = 2 gold coins
Ring = 2 gold coins
Bracelet = 2 gold coins
Nose Ring = 2 gold coins
Choker = 4 gold coins
Necklace = 4 gold coins
Headband = 4 gold coins
Full Set = 15 gold coins
Earrings = 4 gold coins
Ring = 4 gold coins
Bracelet = 4 gold coins
Nose Ring = 4 gold coins
Choker= 6 gold coins
Necklace = 6 gold coins
Headband = 6 gold coins
Full Set = 25 gold coins
Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire, or Opal
Earrings = 6 gold coins
Ring = 6 gold coins
Bracelet = 6 gold coins
Nose Ring = 6 gold coins
Choker = 8 gold coins
Necklace = 8 gold coins
Headband = 8 gold coins
Full Set = 35 gold coins
Earrings = 8 gold coins
Ring = 8 gold coins
Bracelet = 8 gold coins
Nose Ring = 8 gold coins
Choker = 10 gold coins
Necklace = 10 gold coins
Headband = 10 gold coins
Full Set = 45 gold coins

Small Explosive - deals 1d4 damage to all creatures in a 5 foot radius = 25 gold coins
Medium Explosive - deals 1d6 damage to all creatures in a 10 foot radius = 50 gold coins
Large Explosive - deals 1d8 damage to all creatures in a 15 foot radius = 75 gold coins
Super Explosive - deals 1d12 damage to all creatures in a 20 foot radius = 100 gold coins
Mega Explosive - deals 1d20 damage to all creatures in a 25 foot radius = 125 gold coins
Ultra Explosive - deals 1d20 damage to all creatures in a 30 foot radius and knocks them out for 1 turn = 150 gold coins
Small Heal - heals the body for the outcome of a 1d4 roll = 10 gold coins
Medium Heal - heals the body for the outcome of a 1d6 roll = 20 gold coins
Large Heal - heals the body for the outcome of a 1d8 roll = 30 gold coins
Super Heal - heals the body for the outcome of a 1d12 roll = 40 gold coins
Mega Heal - heals the body for the outcome of a 1d20 roll = 50 GC

Fire breathing potion - allows you to breathe fire for two turns - deals 1d12 damage = 50 gold coins
Ice breathing potion - allows you to breathe ice for two turns - can freeze you opponent solid = 50 gold coins
Water breathing potion - allows you to breathe underwater for two turns = 50 gold coins
Earth breathing potion - allows you to breathe dirt for two turns = 50 gold coins
Stunning potion = allows you to stun one person you touch = 20 gold coins
Super strength potion - allows you to have +3 strength for one turn = 20 gold coins
Super speed potion - allows you to have +3 speed for one turn = 20 gold coins