Limericks to Bick the Beaver
By Pip
There once was a doblin named Dave
A surfing vacation he craved
He went on a quest
Can you guess the rest?
Tell me how it ends, then tell Dave
By Pip
I am a nice fairy named Pip
I took a really awesome trip
on an awesome quest
I like to flip best
My name is Pip and I like flips
By Pip
I remember when I met Dave
He was surfing a big sick wave
Shark jumped in his way
He bit them that day
They went to a watery grave
By Zeeno
There once was a guy named Zeeno,
Who went to a cool casino,
He won lots of gold,
Walked off down the road,
Drinking a hot cappuccino.
By Pip
There once was a fairy named Pip
He met some good friends for a trip
He surfed gnarly waves
He did not meet Dave
He did a super duper flip
By Lexi
There was a young elf from the forest
When she was young she was the poorest
Then she shamed a rich knight
In a glorious fight
Now she travels the world as a tourist
By Lexi
There once was a young girl, me
Who didn't know how to speak
Now she still doesn't now
But does well in the snow
At least now I have mon ami
By Voidwalker
In the night he would be a slave
In the morn he would try to save
The man that would spill
The drink that would kill
And demons would rise from their grave
By Voidwalker
I am a serpa named Voidwalker
I am not much of a talker
My mission is well
I must stop the spell
Or the end will be a shocker
By ...
This space is waiting for a student poem.
By Voidwalker
Me and Darkness would always shine
Him, Death, and I were looped like vines
I am Deception
You're no exception
You will all be victims of mine
This space is waiting for a student poem.